Our Services
Indy In-Home Pediatric Intensives
Intensive physical therapy can be very beneficial for children to build new neural pathways as they’re learning new skills. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change and form new connections, and that is exactly what our treatments aim to do. Since neuroplasticity is most rapid during the first 5 years, intervening early is key. Using dynamic movement intervention (DMI) along with other techniques, we will help your child gain function and independence.
We can build an intensive that will work with your family’s needs. That could be 1-2x/day, for 1-3 weeks. We can even see your child at daycare if that’s what will work best (as long as it’s ok with daycare), and send you videos of what to work on at home.
We can build an intensive to fit your child’s needs.
This could be 1 or 2 times per day, for 1-3 weeks in duration.
Virtual Consultation
Intensive 1x/day
$750 per week
Intensive 2x/day
$1500 per week